We are on the final days of February with March looming, a mere two days away, and I have one question for you: How are your New Year’s resolutions going?

If your answer is “Amazing. I have stuck to every single one” Congratulations! You have super powers and I would like to know how. If your answer is “I tried and have stuck to a few but it’s hard” then read on!

Atoms is the app designed by James Clear and based on insights from the worldwide #1 best-selling book Atomic Habits! As we are self confessed superfans of Mr.Clear here at ActionCOACH Harrogate HQ, we were the first to jump on trying to app.

So, where did it develop from?

Building on the principles laid out in Clear’s book, the Atoms app emerges as a powerful tool designed to help individuals embark on their journey towards positive habit formation and personal transformation.

Rooted in the teachings of “Atomic Habits,” Atoms offers users a structured approach to habit formation, leveraging proven strategies and insights to facilitate behavioural change. Developed by individuals who are self-professed superfans of James Clear, Atoms embodies the essence of Clear’s philosophy, empowering users to harness the power of small actions to yield remarkable results.

Understanding the Essence of Atomic Habits

Central to the philosophy of Atomic Habits is the concept of marginal gains – the idea that significant improvements can stem from the cumulative effect of small, consistent actions. By focusing on the four laws of behaviour change – cue, craving, response, and reward – individuals can systematically cultivate habits that align with their goals and aspirations. Atoms serves as a conduit for implementing these principles into daily life, providing users with a framework for habit formation that is both practical and sustainable.

The Role of Atoms in Habit Formation

At its core, Atoms operates on the principle of habit stacking – the practice of linking new habits to existing routines to facilitate integration into daily life seamlessly. Through its intuitive interface and customizable features, Atoms enables users to define their habits, set specific goals, and track progress over time. Whether it’s establishing a morning exercise routine, practicing mindfulness, or eliminating procrastination, Atoms equips users with the tools and accountability necessary to effect positive change.

Key Features of Atoms

1. Habit Tracking and Monitoring: Atoms allows you to monitor your habits with the click of a button! It really takes the work out of keeping track of what you should be working on and removes barriers, excuses etc.  It goes one step further by providing insights into consistency and progress over time. I was a big fan of the customisable reminders and notifications, I 100% stayed x10 times more accountable and motivated to stay on track with their goals than I have with tracking habits in my diary or phone!

2. Habit Streaks and Rewards: Celebrating small victories is essential in reinforcing positive behaviour. Who doesn’t love a reward for doing good?  It really helped with a feeling of momentum along the habit-building journey. The action of logging a ‘rep’ (AKA achieving a goal/actioning a habit) stands out with a fun feature. For each habit you create, a yellow bubble appears on your main screen. To log progress on every habit, you press and hold on the relevant bubble until it fills the screen and explodes. Fun graphics and bright colours… whats not to love!

3. Community Support and Accountability: Atoms offers you the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and offer support. Through group challenges and forums, you can draw inspiration and motivation from the collective efforts of the Atoms crew and community! This was also a huge draw for me, the achievement of others and that positive can do attitude really keeps you going!

4. Insights and Analytics: By providing detailed analytics and insights, Atoms empowers users to gain a deeper understanding of their habits and behaviour patterns. We all know… you can’t test what you can’t measure?

5. Language: The writing and development behind this app is truly inspiring. The app will give you suggestions so you can craft as realistic a version of yourself as possible. Prompts like, “What’s 1% better than your current behaviour?” or “Is this habit attached to something you already do?”

The language emphasises a core idea from “Atomic Habits”: Every action you take reflects a choice towards the person you want to be. It draws light on the fact that forming habits isn’t just about setting goals but defining your identity. For instance, aspiring to write a book means aspiring to be a writer, and wanting to run a marathon means wanting to be a runner. Consistently embodying these identities through regular action leads to achieving the desired goals.

The Future of Habit Formation

Life is a busy and distracting place these days. Cultivating habits that contribute to our well-being and success has never been more critical. With the Atoms app, you have access to a powerful tool that empowers you to take control of their habits and unlock their full potential. By embracing the principles of Atomic Habits and leveraging the innovative features of Atoms, users can embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth and fulfilment.

For me, my favourite part was the “Mindset” section of the app filled with top advice from the book. The reminders are also incredibly encouraging, yesterday morning I was invited to add a second goal and today got cheerful reminder not to forget to do it…without the app I would have totally forgotten!

What is my final verdict?

Go for it, give it a go! In a world inundated with distractions and demands, the ability to cultivate good habits and break free from destructive patterns is paramount, Atoms app will keep you on track! It’s just what you need to turn inspiration into solid action!!